Hi! My name is Tammy. I’m a geeky artist-tech manticore for animation, games, and web living life one drawing at a time in sunny Burbank. I’m a lover of owls, sharks, dinosaurs, and Han Solo.
I have over 20 years of experience in multimedia design and a strong love of animation & interactive media. When I’m not attempting to curry favor with our future robot overlords, I spend my free time pondering such important life questions such as “Who would win in a fight? Batman or Superman?” and “What is the average airspeed of an unladen swallow?
I’m told I have a quick wit and good sense of humor, which is true if by “sense of humor”, they meant “inability to rationalize my terrorizing fear of chewing gum”.
About Work
Title & Skill Expertise
Creative Technologist Director, diverse artist & UX specialist for animation, 3D printing, games, apps & more
Creative Technologist Director, diverse artist & UX specialist for animation, 3D printing, games, apps & more
Technology / Software
3D Printing, Arduino, Figma, Photoshop, Painter, Premiere, AfterEffects, Sketchup, ReactNative, Spark AR
3D Printing, Arduino, Figma, Photoshop, Painter, Premiere, AfterEffects, Sketchup, ReactNative, Spark AR
Brand Experience
Walt Disney World Parks & Resorts, Tony Robbins, Planetary Resources, Fantasy Flight Games, Posimotion, Mindspark, Whatnot Entertainment
Walt Disney World Parks & Resorts, Tony Robbins, Planetary Resources, Fantasy Flight Games, Posimotion, Mindspark, Whatnot Entertainment
Conceptual Abilities
Technology-based Product Management & Creative Direction for all media. Prototyping custom electronics & applications. Animated games, shorts, & music videos. User experience/interface design for websites, apps, intranet, & more.
Technology-based Product Management & Creative Direction for all media. Prototyping custom electronics & applications. Animated games, shorts, & music videos. User experience/interface design for websites, apps, intranet, & more.
Leadership/Management Experience
Creative direction, event production, & team management of agile teams of ~10 people, virtual/remote team management
Creative direction, event production, & team management of agile teams of ~10 people, virtual/remote team management
Project Management Skills
Event coordination & production, production management for animation, websites, apps & games
Event coordination & production, production management for animation, websites, apps & games
Presentation/Teaching Experience
Lectures, classes & tech demos for industry professionals, teachers, and students, written instructional articles, mentorship
Lectures, classes & tech demos for industry professionals, teachers, and students, written instructional articles, mentorship
About Life
Star Wars, Animation, Video Games, Theme Park Design, 3D Printing, Electronics, Geocaching, Sharks, Science Fiction, Illustration, Arduino, Tiki, Disney, Genetics, SPAAAACE
Star Wars, Animation, Video Games, Theme Park Design, 3D Printing, Electronics, Geocaching, Sharks, Science Fiction, Illustration, Arduino, Tiki, Disney, Genetics, SPAAAACE
Bill Watterson, Walt Disney, the Brothers Hildebrandt, Glen Keane, Roberta Williams, Alfonse Mucha, Georges Méliès, Windsor McKay
Bill Watterson, Walt Disney, the Brothers Hildebrandt, Glen Keane, Roberta Williams, Alfonse Mucha, Georges Méliès, Windsor McKay
Favorite Music
Tom Cardy, Everclear, The White Stripes, Beck, OK Go, The Beatles, Fiona Apple, No More Kings, William Shatner
Tom Cardy, Everclear, The White Stripes, Beck, OK Go, The Beatles, Fiona Apple, No More Kings, William Shatner
Favorite TV Shows
Doctor Who, Andor, Legion, Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Futurama, Arrested Development, Westworld
Doctor Who, Andor, Legion, Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Futurama, Arrested Development, Westworld
Favorite Movies
The Empire Strikes Back, Back to the Future, Jurassic Park, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Incredibles, Kill Bill, Moulin Rouge!, Army of Darkness, Hook
The Empire Strikes Back, Back to the Future, Jurassic Park, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Incredibles, Kill Bill, Moulin Rouge!, Army of Darkness, Hook
Favorite Books/Comics
Calvin And Hobbes, X-Men, Lord of the Rings, Rendezvous with Rama, Jhereg
Calvin And Hobbes, X-Men, Lord of the Rings, Rendezvous with Rama, Jhereg
Favorite Games
Untitled Goose Game, Hades, Portal 2, Team Fortress 2, Diablo 2, King’s Quest series, Oil’s Well, Jet Grind Radio, Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Untitled Goose Game, Hades, Portal 2, Team Fortress 2, Diablo 2, King’s Quest series, Oil’s Well, Jet Grind Radio, Animal Crossing: New Horizons